Group Therapy (Currently Unavailable)
Playing and Learning to Socialise
(3 - 5 Years)
PALS is a social skills group program where young children are taught constructive ways to solve problems that arise in social situations. This is done through stories with puppets, singing songs, music, videos, role plays and lots of fun! Children make new friends and learn about their feelings. This Australian researched program has been highly successful developing children with social and emotional development. Each session focuses on one particular skill.
Tiny Talkers
(5 - 7 Years)
At Expressions Therapy Centre we run an 8 week program for 5 – 7 year old children with 15 minutes at the end of each session for parental feedback. Children work in a small group of 3-4 and engage in fun, interactive activities and discussions with their peers in a non threatening environment. Our program incorporates aspects from the “Talk About” program developed by UK Speech Pathologist Alex Kelly; co-operation, taking turns, participation, accepting differences, listening and friendship skills are some of the areas we cover to support children in their ability to communicate with others appropriately and effectively. If you require further information please follow the link and email or phone us directly.
Chattering Chimps
(8 - 10 Years)
Chattering Chimps is a dynamic and interactive social skills program for children aged 7 – 10 years. Children work in a small group of three or four to learn, discuss and implement elements of social interaction in a supportive and encouraging environment. Our program incorporates topics such as conversation and friendship skills, negotiating and compromising, bullying and understanding non-verbal communication cues, such as facial expression and body language.
The group runs for eight consecutive weeks and comprises 50-minute interactive sessions for the children and 10 minutes at the end of each session for feedback and discussion with parents. If you require further information please follow the link and email or phone us directly.